Clarity In Business

“From Confusion to CLARITY In Business………….Does your business also have these hurdles?”

How are your business results going at the moment?

Do you have clarity in your business?

Do you feel like you have so many distractions in your life…….. so many interests competing for your time?

Do you feel like you don’t spend enough time on your health or fitness?

Do you feel like you don’t spend enough time with your family or loved ones?

Do you feel like you don’t spend enough time working on your business or personal wealth?

When people own a rental property, they may get a certain income per year. What if they keep all that money and never re-invest any of the income? What if they never re-paint the property or put in new carpet or do simple repairs for their investment property? Well, it’s obvious, the property will become run down and less valuable. Having clarity in business will help you focus on the profit earning strategies rather than the strategies that don’t work.

So too with a business, how are you re-investing any of your time or money into future benefits, appreciation or enhancement for yourself, your business and your clients? How are you re-investing your time at the moment? Can you take a moment and think about it? The sooner you can move from confusion to clarity in your business, the sooner you can implement loss stops and move your business forward.

What are some of the best strategies for taking care of your business? There is so much uncertainty in the media and general community, often when there are so many challenges, people tend to do nothing or sit on the sideline. Here in lays the opportunity.  Because many people are “sitting it out” (your competitors) there are huge opportunities to follow up. Does this seem true? Somewhere inside you, you know there are major opportunities at the moment.

When was the last time you set aside time to discover new opportunities?

When was the last time you re-connected with yourself and your business?

When was the last time you had focus and clarity for your given business activities?

Focus that lead to new clients, more frequent sales, longer lifetime clients, faster buying time and increased sales?

When was the last time you sat down and asked questions like these: (please take a moment to reflect)

1.       Why did I get into business?

2.       How did I get all my clients in the beginning?

3.       What are the things I most enjoy about my business?

4.       What are the things I don’t enjoy about my business?

5.       What challenges am I facing in my business?

6.       What obstacles or barriers are blocking me at the moment?

7. What new ways have I discovered to create income for my business in the last 2 years?

8.       Where do I want to be 90 days from now?

9. What position do I want to be in Christmas 2010, when I’m sitting down to enjoy a meal?

10.   What position does my business want to be in at Christmas 2010?

These are questions that challenge you to think more about your business objectives, profit and loss, and the steps you need to take to achieve business success. Move out of that area of confusion in to the area of clarity in business.

Paul Dwyer, business consultant in Brisbane conducts regular workshops that help to achieve “Clarity for your business”. To clear out, wipe away, empty out the things that are not giving you the maximum return.

Paul Dwyer believes you already know what needs to be done. You have the answers inside you. It’s just a matter of setting aside some time to re-connect with yourself and your business. Just as an investor re-invests some of their profits into their rental property; Paul Dwyer‘s workshops are about re-investing some of your time and energy into your business.

By the end of the workshops, you will have clarity to gain the momentum needed for immediate impact in your business life and to take your power back!

About the Workshops:

1. The workshop will be tailored for you and your business

2.       You are encouraged to give a brief description of your business via email before you attend

3. You are encouraged to ask your most challenging questions or greatest obstacles before the event via email

4.       You are encouraged to discuss the most exciting ideas you currently have for your business

5. The evening will be interactive with other audience members sharing their success in the attempt to discover multiple ways of success for each participant

6.       There will be elements of core strategy for long term growth

7. There will be real world, real life tactics to be taken away to create immediate impact the next day

8.       We will look at what you are doing well now, and seek ways to improve it

9. We will look for what you are not doing now, and create an action plan for implementation

We have seen first hand strategies that are working well for business and strategies not working well. We have seen what used to work, not working now and also how to optimise old strategies so they keep creating income.

Your mind is very powerful. When used to its potential, it can achieve great things. The evening is an opportunity to open up your mind to the creativity, imagination and recognition of the profit’s that are in front of you. Achieving clarity in business is only one of the topics that Paul Dwyer discusses in his workshops to benefit you.

Check our Events calendar for the next workshop near you.

Every success to you and your business.

Paul Dwyer

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Paul Dwyer – 97 Business Secrets

Paul Dwyer is a Business Marketing Consultant based in Brisbane, Australia.

Paul now utilizes all his experience as an Accountant, successful Property Investor and Business Owner to help other Business Owners succeed.

Paul has helped businesses in many different industries. Whatever your business, Paul can share ideas with you to assist in greater success in the future.

Contact Paul Now for a FREE Consultation to see how he can help you achieve greater resourcefulness in Business.